Huf Hülsbeck & Fürst GmbH & Co. KG announced a new automotive technology and invention in February 2015 on their website and have issued regular press releases and statements since. The diagram published on their website in February 2015 and subsequent variations of the technology is in direct Copyright breach of a model and system created by myself and my co-inventor. This was shown to them via a 3rd party and is specifically protected under an NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement). No rights or license were transferred for this invention. The original invention was created and validated in 2011 but originates in 2006. In November 2015 Huf announced the productisation of this intellectual property again on their website and were actively marketing the this invention under the brand "Liberkee"
Liberkee / Huf did not innovate or create this invention.
Huf and their sub division Huf Secure Mobile and the product brand LiberKee do not own this invention or services and propositions derived from it, or technologies and interpretations that are subordinate to the original Intellectual Properties. Nor do they hold a license, assignment or any form of consent from the lawful holders and inventors of the Intellectual Property and Copyrights.
They are fully aware of the criminal activity of two 3rd party affiliates by which they now claim ownership. They have been shown proof of ownership in the witness of their lawyers as well as received disclosure of the criminal acts of fraud committed by these 3rd parties to attempt to own the intellectual property. Huf have nevertheless decided to use, disclose, productise and market the intellectual property and are relying on fraudulent affidavits of ownership by these 3rd parties who have undertaken various Identity Thefts, Fraud and committed statutory crimes to attempt to claim ownership. Huf are now actively marketing this invention within their "LiberKee" offering and demonstrating the stolen intellectual property which was incorporated into the Rinspeed OASIS prototype car, with Huf claiming the access technology as their invention. It is not. The Intellectual Property is Patent applied for and was subject to NDAs at the time of disclosure to Huf who have chosen to use the technology despite this.
Liberkee / Huf did not innovate or create this invention.
Huf and their sub division Huf Secure Mobile and the product brand LiberKee do not own this invention or services and propositions derived from it, or technologies and interpretations that are subordinate to the original Intellectual Properties. Nor do they hold a license, assignment or any form of consent from the lawful holders and inventors of the Intellectual Property and Copyrights.
They are fully aware of the criminal activity of two 3rd party affiliates by which they now claim ownership. They have been shown proof of ownership in the witness of their lawyers as well as received disclosure of the criminal acts of fraud committed by these 3rd parties to attempt to own the intellectual property. Huf have nevertheless decided to use, disclose, productise and market the intellectual property and are relying on fraudulent affidavits of ownership by these 3rd parties who have undertaken various Identity Thefts, Fraud and committed statutory crimes to attempt to claim ownership. Huf are now actively marketing this invention within their "LiberKee" offering and demonstrating the stolen intellectual property which was incorporated into the Rinspeed OASIS prototype car, with Huf claiming the access technology as their invention. It is not. The Intellectual Property is Patent applied for and was subject to NDAs at the time of disclosure to Huf who have chosen to use the technology despite this.
Image displayed in the Huf Press Release and on their website in February 2015
An element of the original Copyright pertaining to an element of the Intellectual Property © Mike Greaves & Phil Shaw 2011
The ownership of the Intellectual Property and Copyrights for this invention has not been transferred or licensed to Huf Hülsbeck & Fürst GmbH & Co. KG. Huf has no legal right to market, reproduce, license, or sell this Intellectual Property and Copyrights to any third party under any circumstances. For any enquiries regarding this statement or the Intellectual Property and Copyrights, please contact the rightful and lawful owners through the contact tab.
Huf's German Press Release
Mit Sicherheitsplus: Huf entwickelt intelligente digitale Autoschlüssel-AppVelbert, 11. Februar 2015 Der Autoschlüssel der Zukunft ist eine App und diese wird die Sicherheitseigenschaften eines normalen mechatronischen Funkschlüssels oder ID-Gebers bei weitem übertreffen. Dies ist die Aussage der Entwickler der Huf Hülsbeck & Fürst GmbH & Co. KG, die jetzt ein höchst innovatives elektronisches Fahrzeugzugangssystem vorstellen.„Wir haben uns intensiv mit den Sicherheitsaspekten moderner Zugangsberechtigungen auseinandergesetzt und danach gesucht, einen möglichen Missbrauch oder eine Fehlnutzung von Daten von vorneherein auszuschließen. Unser Ziel war es, dem Markt einen virtuellen Autoschlüssel mit einem noch besseren Sicherheitsanspruch zu präsentieren“, so Ulrich Hülsbeck, der vor einigen Jahren dem Autofahrer auch als erstes Unternehmen ein passives Zugangssystem präsentierte. „Es geht nicht nur darum, z. B. dem Nutzer von Mietfahrzeugen einen komfortablen Zugang zum Fahrzeug zu ermöglichen, es geht darum dem Fahrer und dem Fahrzeughalter einen individuellen und sicheren Datenaustausch zu ermöglichen.“ Hierzu ist laut Hülsbeck eine höchst komplexe Infrastruktur notwendig, die neben der reinen Funktionalität auch auf jeder Ebene Sicherheit und damit Schutz vor Manipulation und Datendiebstahl bietet. Nur wenn digitale Systeme den Anspruch der Nutzer erfüllen und er sich auf die Systeme verlassen kann, werden sie sich im Markt durchsetzen.
Fahrzeugzugangs- und Fahrberechtigungssysteme über eine App zu bedienen, wird heute ebenso wie die Steuerung von Fahrzeugflotten mittels Telematik-Systemen von vielen angeboten. Der Unterschied der von Huf entwickelten App und der dahinter liegenden Infrastruktur liegt im einzigartigen Sicherheitsanspruch. Da das Smartphone an sich die gewohnte Sicherheitsanforderung an einen Autoschlüssel zuerst einmal nicht erfüllt, galt es durch eine ausgefeilte Vergabe von Berechtigungen und durch eine zusätzliche Prüfung die individuelle Identität des Nutzers ins Sicherheitskonzept zu integrieren. Während im Markt gebräuchliche Systeme nur unzureichend geschützt sind, erhöht Huf die Sicherheit über eine Authentifizierung des Fahrers. „Bei Huf steht der Nutzer mit seiner Identität im Mittelpunkt, nicht das Smartphone. Durch die Kombination der beiden Sicherheitsebenen erreichen wir einen bisher nicht im Markt angebotenen Sicherheitsstandard“, ergänzt der Geschäftsführer. Das neue System ist so weit entwickelt, dass es ab sofort zum Einsatz kommen kann.
Das Besondere an der von Huf angebotenen App ist, dass nicht nur der Zugang, sondern damit einhergehend auch bestimmte Rechte (Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung, Fahrdauer, Einstellungen für Sitze und Spiegel etc.) an den Nutzer vergeben werden können. Eine solche Schlüssel-App kann sowohl von Personen im privaten Umfeld als auch im kommerziellen Bereich z.B. bei Car Sharing-Anwendung finden.
Zum Unternehmen Huf Hülsbeck & Fürst
Huf hat sich als Entwickler und Produzent von mechanischen und elektronischen Schließsystemen, Fahrberechtigungssystemen, Passive-Entry-Systemen, Fahrzeugzugangssystemen, Türgriffsystemen sowie Systemen für Heckklappen und Hecktüren, Reifendruckkontrollsystemen und Telematik-Systemen weltweit bei den Automobilherstellern und im Reifenhandel einen Namen gemacht.
1908 in Velbert gegründet, lieferte das Unternehmen erstmals 1920 Autoschlüssel an Mercedes-Benz (heute Daimler AG). Heute beschäftigt Huf weltweit rund 7200 Mitarbeiter an Standorten in 14 Ländern. Über 400 Entwickler und Konstrukteure arbeiten in den Büros in Deutschland, USA, Korea, Rumänien, Indien und China. Zu seinen Kunden zählt das Unternehmen alle namhaften Automobilhersteller.
Bildunterschrift zur Grafik:
Der digitale Schlüssel eröffnet Möglichkeiten, Berechtigungen für bewegliche Objekte und Immobilien individuell und sicher zu steuern.
English Translation (by Google Translate)
Certainly Plus: Huf develops intelligent digital car keys App. Velbert, February 11, 2015 The car key of the future is an app and it will exceed the safety properties of mechatronic normal remote control key or ID transmitter by far.This is what the developers of the Huf Hülsbeck & Fürst GmbH & Co. KG, now imagine that a highly innovative electronic vehicle access system."We have dealt extensively with the security aspects of modern access permissions, and then searched against possible misuse or incorrect use of data from the outset. Our goal is to present to the market a virtual car keys with an even better security claim was, "said Ulrich Hülsbeck sleeve, also known as the first company presented a passive entry system a few years ago the driver. According Hülsbeck "It's not just a matter of enabling such. As the user of rental vehicles a comfortable access to the vehicle, it's about to allow the driver and the vehicle owner a personalized and secure data exchange." For this is a highly complex infrastructure necessary which also provides security at every level and thus protect against intrusion and data theft in addition to pure functionality. Only if digital systems meet the demand of the users and they can rely on the systems that they will prevail in the market.
Car access and drive authorization systems to operate via an app today as well as the control of vehicle fleets using telematics systems offered by many. The difference between the developed hoof app and the underlying infrastructure is in its unique security requirements. Since the first smartphone not met, the usual safety requirement for a car key once, it was necessary to integrate the individual identity of the user to the security concept by a sophisticated granting permissions and by an additional test. While common in the market system is not adequately protected, hoof increases security on a driver's authentication. "When the user stands with his identity at the center, not the phone. The combination of the two levels of security, we achieve a safety standard not previously offered in the market, "adds the CEO. The new system is so advanced that it can be used from now on.
The special feature of the app offered by Huf is that not only access, but which also means certain rights (speed limit, driving time, settings for seats and mirrors, etc.) can be assigned to the user. Such key app can be used both by individuals in the private sphere as well as in the commercial sector eg car sharing application.
The company hoof Hülsbeck & Fürst
Huf has established itself as a developer and manufacturer of mechanical and electronic locking systems, driver authorization systems, passive entry systems, vehicle entry systems, door handle systems as well as systems for tailgates and rear doors, tire pressure monitoring systems and telematics systems worldwide automobile manufacturers and tire dealers a name.
Founded in 1908 in Velbert, the company delivered the first 1920 car keys at Mercedes-Benz (now Daimler AG). Today hoof employs around 7,200 people at locations in 14 countries. Over 400 developers and designers working in offices in Germany, USA, Korea, Romania, India and China. To its customers, the company all major automotive manufacturer counts.
Caption on image:
The digital key opens up possibilities to control permissions for moving objects and properties individually and safely.
For more detailed information about this product, you can visit Huf’s official page on their digital key solutions
Huf Group Startseite
Huf Group Startseite
Huf Group Startseite
Huf Group Startseite
The information on this website is an expression of my personal beliefs, opinion and knowledge founded on documented evidence and actions of UK statutory bodies that support these statements. I am imparting this information as I believe it to be in the common interest and public interest. None of the statements here a libellous, but are statements of demonstrable fact.
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